Nomex® Type 410 is a calendered insulation paper which offers high inheritent dielectric strength, mechanical toughness, flexibility and resilience. Also available in uncalendered variety (Type 411), for oil filled transform (Type 910).
Class H Insulation
Mechanical toughness and (in thime grade) flexibility
Inherent Di- Electric Strength
Unaffected by most solvents, acids & albalies
Compatible with varnishes, adhesives & transformer fluids
All products manufactured & supplied are in strict compliance with DuPont's standards.
P.C. Laminations Gartherm® Class F Composites made from 0.05mm, 0.08mm, Calendered & Uncalendered 0.13mm Nomex® paper are available
in various forms such as sheets, rolls & narrow widths on request for various applications.
Gartherm® can also be made available in 2 layers on request.
Rolls of 910 MM. Tapes of width 8 MM above. Composites produced in various thicknesses ranging from 0.13 mm
to 0.63 mm. We also supply fabricated components.